Thursday, October 17, 2013

Beer + Planets = ❤

I love a good Instagram hashtag, as evidenced by our initiation of #snoballproject which was inspired by #popsicleproject. This new one that I found has got to be, by far, the best one I have ever seen.

Seriously, guys this is some good stuff. I've never realized how much the bird's eye view of a pint of beer really does look like an celestial body! Hat's off to the creator of this ingenious hashtag. I love beer and I love outer space. Together, it's justI justI can't evenI'm in love.

The last one is a juice planet, but it's still oh so beautiful. #beerplanets

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Monica Ramos

I seriously am obsessed with her. I love all the little people and all of details that go into these illustrations. 
So whimsical and absolutely wonderful. I really want a waffle now.

Check out more of her work over here!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hear Hear: Portugal. The Man

I'm having a hipster moment because I'm PISSED I'm just discovering this band now! Portugal. The Man is like a mixture of Foster the People and the Beatles (you just can't go wrong with that!) Everyone should love this band. Seriously Amazing.

And this VIDEO. MAGIC. It's a religious experience. This song is a religious experience.

Also check out Modern Jesus.

Hear Hear: Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.

Do you know how some songs just make you so happy when you listen to them? Like you're walking when this song comes on the headphones and you get this pep in your step? And then your head gradually bobs harder and harder. Then you just start belting out the lyrics no matter where you are?

That's what this song does.

Finally something good comes out of Detroit!!!!
(jk, love you Detroit)
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