These have got to be the worst shoes on the planet. The gold chain at your ankles is secured by a velcro strap, so when you trip over something, which I'm pretty sure you will because these are 5 inch heels, you'd probably fall, break your neck, and the heavy gold chains would dig deep welts into your feet. Conclusion: not only are these shoes super fugly, but they're also hazardous to your health. Oh, and they're $160. No maam.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Speaking of manly things...
I introduce you to the MAN WALL!
This badass muthaf#@%$ comes complete with:
- 52″ Vizio Flat Panel LCD HDTV
- Two 26″ Vizio Flat Panel LCD HDTVs
- 1200 watt Panasonic 5.1 Home Theater System
- Two wireless surround sound speakers
- DVD player with 5-CD changer
- ipod docking station
- 7 ft sports ticker with a built in computer
- 32 bottle wine rack
- 1000 watt microwave oven
- 2 cigar humidors complete with gauges
- AND a full-size built-in beer refrigerated beer keg with tap!!
Mace in your FACE!
Also, I'm not saying mace is just for girls, but boys should be carrying around manlier things, like LASERS!
Speaking of [Adult Swim]
Contest ends July 12.
Hear Hear: Saturday
I heard this on Moral Orel last night and I had to find it. For all you curious cats the song is called "Saturday" and the artist is Io Perry. I love it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
This is still STILL not a bacon blog.
If I had an iphone/touch I'd buy this app asap!
O is for Optimus Prime obliterating Oompa Loompas
Lamé done wrong
offensive content
B. Scott's Top 5 Reasons Your Breath Smells Like Booty Lint
I first started watching B. Scott videos when he made a video about the Chris Brown/Ri Ri domestic disturbia. And this woMAN never fails to bring the LULZ. I absolutely adore him. FIERCE b**** MAKES ME SHAKE AND CRY.
Reason no. 1.....-DYING-
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I used to hate Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
But this made me a convert. Bahaha favorite moment on the show everrrr
Friday, June 26, 2009
The gravity of his death is just starting to hit me as the shock wears off. The more I remember/realize what he has accomplished, the more it bothers me. I mean we ridiculed this man so much but holy FUCK was he an AMAZING entertainer. Absolutely amazing.
Don Diablo, Dutch DJ, shows his love and appreciation for the King through this fresh remix of Remember the of my favorite MJ jams.
A king like no other.
With impeccable fashion sense, I must say. I've already been in love with...everything...he wears (including pajamas to his court date, HATERS TO THE LEFT), and now I'm thinking I need to MJ-afiy my wardrobe. We're talking penny loafers, tube socks, and bomb ass Balmain blazers.
One of my favorite MJ moments: Usher (a product of MJ) joins him on stage and they have this epic dance battle. And then Chris Tucker gets involved.
So I honor this great man. Gone but, never really gone.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Depressing Day
Earlier this morning Farah Fawcett lost her long battle with cancer.
And now I heard (I don't want it to be true, and haven't found any official stories on his death) Michael Jackson, the KING of pop, is dead after he was found not breathing in his home. Age 50!
EDIT: He's in a Coma, not dead, as of 5:22 PM. His brain function is minimal and CNN is saying it is unusual for a coma caused by cardiac arrest is VERY SERIOUS and not good at all.
EDIT2: RIP MJ, I raise my glove to you.
Omg, I can't believe this. MICHAEL JACKSON. MICHAEL JACKSON.
RIP. I'll be praying for both of these remarkable celebrities' families. This is tragic.
Wearable Towel: The Snuggie of the summer?
Sorry for the VIDEO OVERLOADD but I just couldn't help myself! I love how you can wear this as a toga. Are Wearable Towel toga parties going to be the new Snuggie pub crawls?
I love The Soup blog.
I wish my local news stations did segments like this. Yay soup!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hear Hear: WERQ
New Ciara ft. Missy Elliot.
OMFG THIS IS FIERCE. She would make Tyra proud. WERQ IT GURL WERQ IT. Holy shit. This is my new workout routine.
Stunning booty popping aside, this video has this dirty quality to it that just SCREAMS 90s and it makes me love it even more. At first I was like...ugh, whoever directed this chose an awful cheap camera, but now I'm like...that's kind of awesome. It's like Sir-Mix-A-Lot esque or All I wanna Do is a Zoom Zoom in your Boom Boom esque. WERQ IT VIDEO DIRECTOR.
NGL though, it reminds me of my main man...BENNY BENNASSI'S AWESOME SATISFACTION VIDEO.
OMFG THIS IS FIERCE. She would make Tyra proud. WERQ IT GURL WERQ IT. Holy shit. This is my new workout routine.
Stunning booty popping aside, this video has this dirty quality to it that just SCREAMS 90s and it makes me love it even more. At first I was like...ugh, whoever directed this chose an awful cheap camera, but now I'm like...that's kind of awesome. It's like Sir-Mix-A-Lot esque or All I wanna Do is a Zoom Zoom in your Boom Boom esque. WERQ IT VIDEO DIRECTOR.
NGL though, it reminds me of my main man...BENNY BENNASSI'S AWESOME SATISFACTION VIDEO.
Speaking of Benny Benassi. He's playing at Ampersand New Orleans TONIGHT so go push and touch people in the club to get your satisfaction.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bear Grylls is Epically Awesome. As Always.
CHECK THIS ARTICLE: TV Show helps Utah Boy survive night solo in woods
THAT'S RIGHT. Bear Grylls' survival tips are in fact LEGIT. I knew Man Vs. Wild was one of my favorite shows for a reason. (Besides getting to see Bear Grylls run around naked and jump into sub zero water.)

What is more G than a grizzly bear and grills? BEAR GRYLLS IS WHAT.
THAT'S RIGHT. Bear Grylls' survival tips are in fact LEGIT. I knew Man Vs. Wild was one of my favorite shows for a reason. (Besides getting to see Bear Grylls run around naked and jump into sub zero water.)
What is more G than a grizzly bear and grills? BEAR GRYLLS IS WHAT.
Here's the story with boss parts in bold:
SALT LAKE CITY – When he realized he'd been separated from his family on a weekend hike in a northern Utah forest, 9-year-old Grayson Wynne's thoughts turned to television. Grayson watches "Man vs. Wild" on the Discovery Channel every week with his brothers and his dad. On the show, host and adventurer Bear Grylls strands himself in the wilderness and then shows viewers how to survive the sticky situations.
That's where Grayson says he learned to leave clues behind to help searchers find him.
On Saturday, when he was scared and alone in the Ashley National Forest, Grayson started tearing up his yellow rain slicker, despite the intermittent downpours, and tying pieces to trees.
"I just used my hands," said Grayson, who was found safe Sunday after spending 18 hours lost in the forest. "I don't know how many times I tore the thing but quite a lot."
Grayson was among a party of about 15 family members that left Saturday from the Spirit Lake trailhead in Daggett County. The group stopped to tighten a saddle on a horse at some point, said Grayson's dad, Kynan Wynne. But Grayson didn't realize it and went ahead of the pack before diverting onto a smaller trail in the thick forest.
Although Kynan Wynne was concerned for his son's safety, he was also confident in the boy's resilience.
"Somewhere he got the idea that for multiple reasons, not just for people to find you, but to retrace your steps if you have to, to leave a trail," Kynan Wynne said.
Grayson created a small shelter overnight under a fallen tree. The next day, he decided to follow a creek in hopes of finding help.
"I (thought I) might find the lake, that there might be somebody at the lake," he said.
Grayson, who will start fourth grade in the fall, also left a couple of clues for searchers that he didn't mean to.
He dropped a granola bar wrapper about 300 yards off the main trail. Searchers also found a small footprint and a backpack about 400 yards from the wrapper.
"I was just being pretty stupid that I dropped the backpack," Grayson said. "I was just panicking too much."
When Grayson heard a helicopter overhead, he ran into a meadow and waved the last piece of his jacket. But two searchers on horseback saw him first.
"It was such a good feeling that I was going to be all right," said Grayson, who got back to normal Monday by playing in a Little League double-header.
When he was reunited with his father, Grayson's first words were "Happy Father's Day."
The Daggett County sheriff's office credited the searchers, volunteers and Grayson's common sense for the positive outcome.
"The thing that he recognized from the show, regardless of the circumstances you're in, you are capable of surviving," Kynan Wynne said.
Somebody get this boy a TV SHOW. Or atleast a meeting with Bear Grylls. Such a BAMF 4th GRADER!Best Kept Secret: Retail Me Not
Retail Me Not, for those of you who don't know, is a great website for finding all those sweet online/in-store coupons! Especially if you're shopping, say the VS SEMI ANNUAL SALEE, and don't want to pay for dumb stuff aka shipping. They even post up success ratings and allow you to write comments about each coupon code so that everyone can know whether it's a good coupon to use or not!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Gear Grinding: Unnecessary Apologies
Okay, I was reading this article on Yahoo! titled "Cowell's Confession: Sim Says, "I'm Wrong." And the subject of this article really started grinding my gears so I have to blog about it.
Basically it's about how Simon Cowell was harsh in his criticisms to people like Susan Boyle and all the kids they let pass on Britain's Got Talent and that while he is usually dead on in his criticisms no matter how harsh they are, this time "he was wrong for saying what he did."
Pardon my french but, fuck that. His criticisms are only harsh because now he's saying them to some 50 year old virgin religious cat lady and 10 year olds. When he says it to a 30 year old struggling single mother or 20 year old in the midst of their college years it's okay? But not now?
The entertainment business IS harsh in it's nature. If anyone is going to pursue their dreams of being an entertainer they damn well better be prepared for harsh criticism, NO MATTER AGE, RACE, MENTAL CAPABILITIES, BEAUTY, SOCIAL STATUS. IDFC. If you suck you suck. If you're amazing you're amazing.
Why should I lie and tell a 10 year old they have the voice of a goddess when they don't? So that I can live to regret the day I told that lie when I have to painfully listen to them perform every day since. Fuck that too. That's what parents are for. Let the parents lie to their children and tell them they sing/dance great or how fantastic their artwork is. AS A PROFESSIONAL TALENT SCOUNT IT IS NOT SIMON'S JOB TO LIE TO THESE PEOPLE. They should be mentally prepared for whatever he's saying to them. And if he says you suck then TOUGH SHIT. Go back to your studio and practice until you get better.
Omg. It really pisses me off how sensitive people are these days. I FOR ONE AM TIRED OF LAME, CLICHE THINGS CONTINUOUSLY GETTING PRAISED BECAUSE SOME GENIUS PLAYS THAT WEAK, CHILD/UGLY CARD. CHILDREN DO NOT ALWAYS EQUAL TALENT. I SAID IT. So Simon, you should not apologize. You told a ballerina what she needed to hear. She's 10. She has 90 years to fine tune her skills. Maybe she'll be the next Madonna. THE POINT IS THAT SHE HAS TIME TO BECOME THAT SO STFD WHINY BABIES.
And Susan Boyle is a 50 year old woman. If she doesn't know how the world works by now...that's pathetic. The fact that she's treated like a 10 year old too should be insulting to her. The fact that she's acting like a 10 year old is insulting to me.
And back to the topic of children in showbiz, it's not just the children's fault. PARENTS. If you're going to showcase your child then you should EXPECT harsh realities from other people. JEEZ. It makes me upset to see how, pardon me again, pussy entertainment is becoming. I want the harsh old days back when people actually had to WORK to get their high status. And not just cry on TV and make everyone feel bad for them so they can win.
And Stavros Flatley should've won. F YOU BRITAIN.
Basically it's about how Simon Cowell was harsh in his criticisms to people like Susan Boyle and all the kids they let pass on Britain's Got Talent and that while he is usually dead on in his criticisms no matter how harsh they are, this time "he was wrong for saying what he did."
Pardon my french but, fuck that. His criticisms are only harsh because now he's saying them to some 50 year old virgin religious cat lady and 10 year olds. When he says it to a 30 year old struggling single mother or 20 year old in the midst of their college years it's okay? But not now?
The entertainment business IS harsh in it's nature. If anyone is going to pursue their dreams of being an entertainer they damn well better be prepared for harsh criticism, NO MATTER AGE, RACE, MENTAL CAPABILITIES, BEAUTY, SOCIAL STATUS. IDFC. If you suck you suck. If you're amazing you're amazing.
Simon says: "Yet, perhaps my biggest regret of this year was...with Aidan Davis, the 11-year-old street dancer from Birmingham. In the final, I made him cry, too, by describing his performance as lackluster--it was a huge, huge mistake. It almost ruined the whole evening for everyone...I had treated him as I would an adult, forgetting that he was only an 11-year-old child with a dream. I apologized to him afterwards, but it didn't make me feel any better about it. Moral of the story? I don't always get it right. Looking back, I know I could've been kinder."
Why should I lie and tell a 10 year old they have the voice of a goddess when they don't? So that I can live to regret the day I told that lie when I have to painfully listen to them perform every day since. Fuck that too. That's what parents are for. Let the parents lie to their children and tell them they sing/dance great or how fantastic their artwork is. AS A PROFESSIONAL TALENT SCOUNT IT IS NOT SIMON'S JOB TO LIE TO THESE PEOPLE. They should be mentally prepared for whatever he's saying to them. And if he says you suck then TOUGH SHIT. Go back to your studio and practice until you get better.
Omg. It really pisses me off how sensitive people are these days. I FOR ONE AM TIRED OF LAME, CLICHE THINGS CONTINUOUSLY GETTING PRAISED BECAUSE SOME GENIUS PLAYS THAT WEAK, CHILD/UGLY CARD. CHILDREN DO NOT ALWAYS EQUAL TALENT. I SAID IT. So Simon, you should not apologize. You told a ballerina what she needed to hear. She's 10. She has 90 years to fine tune her skills. Maybe she'll be the next Madonna. THE POINT IS THAT SHE HAS TIME TO BECOME THAT SO STFD WHINY BABIES.
And Susan Boyle is a 50 year old woman. If she doesn't know how the world works by now...that's pathetic. The fact that she's treated like a 10 year old too should be insulting to her. The fact that she's acting like a 10 year old is insulting to me.
And back to the topic of children in showbiz, it's not just the children's fault. PARENTS. If you're going to showcase your child then you should EXPECT harsh realities from other people. JEEZ. It makes me upset to see how, pardon me again, pussy entertainment is becoming. I want the harsh old days back when people actually had to WORK to get their high status. And not just cry on TV and make everyone feel bad for them so they can win.
And Stavros Flatley should've won. F YOU BRITAIN.
gear grinding,
offensive content,
The Chemicals Between Them?
How are:

Amanda Lepore (Best DSLs I've ever seen), Dr. Cuddy from House MD (aka Lisa Edelstein), Voldermort James St. James, Richie Rich (one of the founders of the Heatherette clothing line), Ru Paul, and Larry Tee (DJ extraordinaire) connected?
They all were members of the Club Kids in the New York underground scene during the 80s. What does this entail? Some excerpts from Wiki Lala Land:
The Club Kids were a group of young clubheads led by Michael Alig and James St. James in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This group was famous for their outrageous costumes and extensive drug use -- in particular, ecstasy, ketamine, and heroin, although preferences ranged.
Michael Alig's fame and influence quickly grew. At one point, he was on the payroll of several clubs owned by Peter Gatien for doing nothing but showing up with his entourage of Club Kids in order to draw more customers to the clubs. When they wanted to add a little variety to their night-life, Michael and the club kids began holding illegal parties in various public places including a donut shop and the New York subway.
Party at a NYC subway donut shop? DONE AND DONE. Just so you know Michael Alig (the founder of the original Club Kids) was later convicted of murder over drugs. These kids went HARD. And it just blows my mind to think Lisa Edelstein was a part of this.
They all were members of the Club Kids in the New York underground scene during the 80s. What does this entail? Some excerpts from Wiki Lala Land:
The Club Kids were a group of young clubheads led by Michael Alig and James St. James in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This group was famous for their outrageous costumes and extensive drug use -- in particular, ecstasy, ketamine, and heroin, although preferences ranged.
Michael Alig's fame and influence quickly grew. At one point, he was on the payroll of several clubs owned by Peter Gatien for doing nothing but showing up with his entourage of Club Kids in order to draw more customers to the clubs. When they wanted to add a little variety to their night-life, Michael and the club kids began holding illegal parties in various public places including a donut shop and the New York subway.
Party at a NYC subway donut shop? DONE AND DONE. Just so you know Michael Alig (the founder of the original Club Kids) was later convicted of murder over drugs. These kids went HARD. And it just blows my mind to think Lisa Edelstein was a part of this.
exciting lifestyle,
Who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
This is great.
More Things Cell Phones SHOULD be able to do...But Can't.
I hope I never run into this guy when I'm out.
Don't feel like you're obligated to watch the whole video. I didn't. I got enough guido overload after the first 20 seconds after the 1 minute 15 sec point.
Speaking of offensive things and awesomely BAMF inventions, I was reading Vice magazine (which is a deliciously offensive magazine that swears and publishes offensive articles and is generally awesome because of the lack of censorship/freedom of speech and I got my issue at American Apparel if that's any warning of how "offensive" it is).

And in my technology issue there was an article about all of these invention ideas one of the people working for the magazine has thought of over the years. My favorite, the laser cell phone, had me rolling on the floor. So I had to share it. I'll list the other invention ideas he had as well just for lulz sake.
Technology issue baby!
And in my technology issue there was an article about all of these invention ideas one of the people working for the magazine has thought of over the years. My favorite, the laser cell phone, had me rolling on the floor. So I had to share it. I'll list the other invention ideas he had as well just for lulz sake.
Top Loader Laptop
(A laptop that works like a typewriter. It forces one to "STRIVE FOR PERFECTION" since the top loader laptop doesn't allow you to backspace. It's permanent, just like a typewriter!)
A Mouthless Woman
Creates a quieter, BJ-less world.
"We've all be promised more than a little headway in the laser department for more than 30 years without seeing shit. Hello! Laser-developing motherfuckers! Star Trek and Star Wars gave a laser striptease a lifetime ago and we still haven't seen any action. I really don't give a shit about an iPhone with GPS because a) I have GPS in my car and b) I have eyes in my head. Where's a Chinese restaurant? Let me look around. Oh. There's one. What I need IS FUCKING LASERS. I need them to slice things, I need them to maim animals in the way of my car that I don't want to kill, I need them to kill people in the way of my dog that I don't want him to maim, I need them to shoot my mouthless woman in the ass just to remind her she can't scream. AND I NEED THEM NOW. So please, Bill Gates, I know you have lasers up that crazy tomorrow-house of yours, please share. Make the * key the laser button. No one uses that button anymore. *69? What the hell was that about? This is the future. * = laser = dead!"
Permanent Window-Lock Button
(Prevents his dog from jumping out the window while the car is moving. Also renders it impossible to pay toll and get fresh air.)
Titty-Milk Catching Bag
(A bag that catches breast milk like a dookie bag catches horse crap from those horses that pull carriages and what not)
A Light that Never Goes Out
An Exercising Mexican
(A mexican that exercises FOR YOU and you lose the weight while he exercises. So you can lose weight while laying on the couch)
The Vice Camera
(Takes pictures automatically elevated to the awesome level of Vice photographs. And delicously hipster at that)
Lonnie Sound Bite Machine
(A machine that has buttons that plays recordings of the author's retarded Uncle Lonnie cursing)
(A laptop that works like a typewriter. It forces one to "STRIVE FOR PERFECTION" since the top loader laptop doesn't allow you to backspace. It's permanent, just like a typewriter!)
A Mouthless Woman
Creates a quieter, BJ-less world.
"We've all be promised more than a little headway in the laser department for more than 30 years without seeing shit. Hello! Laser-developing motherfuckers! Star Trek and Star Wars gave a laser striptease a lifetime ago and we still haven't seen any action. I really don't give a shit about an iPhone with GPS because a) I have GPS in my car and b) I have eyes in my head. Where's a Chinese restaurant? Let me look around. Oh. There's one. What I need IS FUCKING LASERS. I need them to slice things, I need them to maim animals in the way of my car that I don't want to kill, I need them to kill people in the way of my dog that I don't want him to maim, I need them to shoot my mouthless woman in the ass just to remind her she can't scream. AND I NEED THEM NOW. So please, Bill Gates, I know you have lasers up that crazy tomorrow-house of yours, please share. Make the * key the laser button. No one uses that button anymore. *69? What the hell was that about? This is the future. * = laser = dead!"
Permanent Window-Lock Button
(Prevents his dog from jumping out the window while the car is moving. Also renders it impossible to pay toll and get fresh air.)
Titty-Milk Catching Bag
(A bag that catches breast milk like a dookie bag catches horse crap from those horses that pull carriages and what not)
A Light that Never Goes Out
An Exercising Mexican
(A mexican that exercises FOR YOU and you lose the weight while he exercises. So you can lose weight while laying on the couch)
The Vice Camera
(Takes pictures automatically elevated to the awesome level of Vice photographs. And delicously hipster at that)
Lonnie Sound Bite Machine
(A machine that has buttons that plays recordings of the author's retarded Uncle Lonnie cursing)
Oh man. But that Cell phone with lasers. The * button. ACE!
The author of this article was Chris Nieratko so if you want to look him up and email him letters of encouragement to invent the said cell phone...GO FO IT.
Ps. I told you this magazine was OFFENSIVE.
The author of this article was Chris Nieratko so if you want to look him up and email him letters of encouragement to invent the said cell phone...GO FO IT.
Ps. I told you this magazine was OFFENSIVE.
offensive content
Hear Hear: SUCK IT
WARNING: This song contains OFFENSIVE CONTENT. Do not watch if you are easily offended. Nothing visually graphic, but the lyrics contain words that offend some people for some reason.
No pun intended.
FORMALITIES ASIDE. This. Is. The. Best. Song. I've. Ever. Heard. Now, I hate Perez Hilton and I think he should die in a fire...but even with his presence in this song I still think it is AWESOME AS F. OMG. This s is on repeat right now.
Granted. I'm a sucker for ANYTHING vulgar (it automatically shoots up to my to 50 favorite songs ever), but this song also has this DOPE beat full of BASS that just makes me want to die in a good way.
Larry Tee, you are a GOD.
Hear Hear: FLG
And this awesomely Japanland video.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I kind of want this...
My purse is just an arsenal of deadly weapons.
Key-shaped pocket knife. Attackers beware.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Drizzy Drake is Jimmy boy from Degrassi?!!?!?!?!!
note: if video doesn't play just click somewhere on the stream a little bit after the beginning and it'll play the rest of the video, then you can go back and play the beginning. well, this is what i have to do... unless it's just my comp that is retarded.
I get a text round 10:21 PM. It reads "OOOOOMMMFFFGGG drizzy drake who sings best I ever had is freakin JIMMYBOY FROM DEGRASSI". Right after I finish reading it, the songs starts playing on the radio. I start having convulsions. I'm dying. I'm crying. I'm having a seizure. JIMMY?!?! JIMMY WHEELCHAIR JIMMY?!
I still am in disbelief. Balla song though, I'm not gonna lie. Good job Jimmy. You've done well.
I miss Degrassi. Someone buy me The N please.Beer + Biking = ???
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Party On Party Cat
I don't like cats but the recent Keyboard Cat and pre-recent Spaghetti Cat just make me want to die. I LOVE THEM. And now I've discovered Party Cat which I LOVE AS WELL.
It's a little short story comic about a cat. That likes to party. And his "owner" that also likes to party. Really cute.
It's a little short story comic about a cat. That likes to party. And his "owner" that also likes to party. Really cute.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tiny tim
This is not a virtual kaleidoscope blog.
Also I found this kaleidoscope painter. You know, if you want something to keep you entertained for a lil while. Also if you want cool kaleidoscope art like mineee:
No Maam.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hear Hear Throwback: Mercenaries 2
Oldie but a such gooodieee. I never get tired of this song.
Beer is getting better and better every single day
math and statistics
I'm totally checkin' my email. Total man.
Checking my email has become an everyday ritual for me. I don't know about you, but I get 2947823742304712-9780237482349 emails a day, and no, I'm not just talking about spam. So, today I get an email in my inbox from an unfamilar address. First I think, "oh! spam!" but then I look at the last name of the sender and it's the same as my friend's. The email is titled "FW: How much do you know about me?". So, I figure she just sent me one of those random forwards poo blah to read. I open it and read it over and notice that none of these answers even remotely relate to anything about my friend and actually look like some 12 year old teeny bopper wrote it. I then look at the email header and also notice that the sender has also put the name Dorothy next to my email address. Dorothy is not my name. In no way, shape or form annnnnnddd why the hell would anyone want to be named Dorothy anyways!? If that even WAS my real name I would have gone and gotten it changed yearsssss ago.
But enough of me ranting, I thought you might enjoy reading this email (and my comments on it). UPDATE: I condensed her email to only the #'s that were worth while on commenting on because I'm pretty sure you don't care what she ate for breakfast or that she picked diamonds over pearls. Sorry girl who sent it to me, but next time you send out your emails, make sure you check the addresses first.
Welcome to the 2009 edition of getting to know your Friends. Press '*FORWARD*' then change all the answers so they apply *ONLY to you*, and then send this to your friends
*_Including the person who sent it to you._*
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about STRANGERS that you might not have known!
*1.* *What time did you get up this morning?* 11:00 AM (:
Did you REALLY take the time to add all those stars around every # and every question? And why did you put a smiley emoticon after your answer? Unnecessary much?
*3.* * What was the last film you saw at the cinema? hmm Mall cop, haven't gone to the movies in a while
I'm guessing you're 12 years old
*4.* * What is your favorite TV show? * The secret life of the american teenager :]
Mmm ya you're definitely 12.
But enough of me ranting, I thought you might enjoy reading this email (and my comments on it). UPDATE: I condensed her email to only the #'s that were worth while on commenting on because I'm pretty sure you don't care what she ate for breakfast or that she picked diamonds over pearls. Sorry girl who sent it to me, but next time you send out your emails, make sure you check the addresses first.
Original email in blue
My comments in black
Welcome to the 2009 edition of getting to know your Friends. Press '*FORWARD*' then change all the answers so they apply *ONLY to you*, and then send this to your friends
*_Including the person who sent it to you._*
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about STRANGERS that you might not have known!
*1.* *What time did you get up this morning?* 11:00 AM (:
Did you REALLY take the time to add all those stars around every # and every question? And why did you put a smiley emoticon after your answer? Unnecessary much?
*3.* * What was the last film you saw at the cinema? hmm Mall cop, haven't gone to the movies in a while
I'm guessing you're 12 years old
*4.* * What is your favorite TV show? * The secret life of the american teenager :]
Mmm ya you're definitely 12.
**9.* * What kind of car do you drive? a prius :] go green...
Maybe you're not 12 then?
**12.* * Favorite item of clothing? I <3 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: bold;">Nvm. You're 12.
14.* * Favorite brand of clothing? Aeropostale :)
**12.* * Favorite item of clothing? I <3 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: bold;">Nvm. You're 12.
14.* * Favorite brand of clothing? Aeropostale :)
**21.* *Are you a morning person or a night person? Night/afternoon
So, pretty much every part of the day that isn't considered the morning.
30.* *What is your full name? Aryanna Rei Zuniga Chavez
**31.* *What are you listening to right now? iTunes :]
So, you're listening to your music program?
*34.* *If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? PURPLE! Unless the make a rainbow crayon...(LOL @ ania)**
Shut up. This isn't Twitter.
**42.* *Hugs or kisses? Both ;D
I hate when people say both. Make up your mind!
**43.* *Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate, vanilla is okay too
44.* *Coffee or tea? Tea, but only green tea, or jasmine, or whatever you eat at the japanese resturant :]
Stop with the emoticons...
**48.* * What did you do last night*? Hahaha, Omgpop :)
**53. Favorite day of the week? Friday and Saturday!
Did this question ask "Favorite days of the week?" Yea. I thought so.
**55.* *Do you make friends easily? Most of the time ;)
I give up on the emoticons. The use of the wink emoticon here doesn't even make any sense.
**56.* *How many people will you send this to?* probably like 10 at least.
Probably like 9 friends and a STRANGER!
**57.* *How many will respond? the ones who are nice and smart enough :]
Since you didn't even answer the question correctly, I'll do it for you: They blog about it.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Okay. Soulja Boy makes me want to kill myself.
Everytime he comes out with a song I'm like "Holy f--k this is the stupidest f----r to book a record deal ever. Who the f--k writes this nonsense! I don't think there's anything more RIDICULOUS THAN THIS SONG!"
Then...Soulja Boy comes out with another song. And renders all of my previous judgements about him invalid because his new song is EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS.
YAHHH TRICK YAHHH is old (came out in 2007)...but I just heard it and HOLY OMG....NGL, I was rolling on the floor at this song. RIDICULOUS. BUT SO HILARIOUS. Just the way he says YAHHHHHH. And the whole context. SOULJA BOY PLEASE GET OUT OF HERE! YOU MAKE ME WANT TO DIE!
YAHHHHH! I think I'll scream this at the radio next time Kiss Me Through the Phone comes on.
Oh how their voices take me back to the great times when "Barbie Girl" ruled the radio waves.
Final Destination: REAL TIME
NGL, this movie has made me paranoid as WOW about life....getting on an airplane, driving onto the interstate. I'm scared that I'll have a premonition then decide against it and ultimately save myself from a gruesome death....only to die a few days later in some other gruesome way. It's always a thought in the back of my mind. WHAT IF I REALLY DID CHEAT DEATH, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?
Well a couple missed their flight on Air France Flight 447 when they were late to the airport. They caught a flight home the next day and got into a bad car accident back home a few days later where the woman was killed and the man is in serious condition.
VIA Time Online
scary shit,
tripping balls
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cuter than Cute Overload!
I'm buying this issue of Newsweek not only because Stephen Colbert is on the cover, but also because he's going to be the first guest editor at newsweek since 76 years! Good choice Newsweek. Good choice.
sucking dick
Monday, June 8, 2009
It just wouldn't be as funny with dogs
Guns don't kill, LASERS do!
Speaking of not pointing lasers in your eyes...
That has to be one of my favorite clips from that show everr
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hear Hear: New Basement Jaxx RAINDROPS
Offensive Content Warning: Semi-nudity and pasties.
But the video is so FIERCE. Love that Basement Jaxx.
But the video is so FIERCE. Love that Basement Jaxx.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happy National Doughnut Day!
Dunkin Donuts is giving away free doughnuts, but only with a purchase of any beverage.
So go out there and get your free doughnuts! YEEEHAWW!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Make sure you have a helmet on because this is about to BLOW YOUR MIND!
Was I right? Or was I right?
ayo technology,
tripping balls,
true love
Love the cover: July British Marie Claire
Left 4 Dead 2
Coming out November 17, this sequel features new chracters, boss zombies and MELEE WEAPONS! So, not only do you get to pump up their guts with massive amounts of artillery but now you can bash their brains out with bats, frying pans and chainsaws. The game is set in a good old South, and by the looks of the trailer, New Orleans is one of those southern locations. Killing zombies in my home town? How more badass can this game get?!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Beyonce IS DAT CHU?
Oh wait. No, that's not Beyonce. Almost fooled me.
You can't replace Destiny's Child!
Apparently too much texting deserves a PSA
Just watched this PSA warning teens about digital dating. Too much texting, too much facebook/myspace stalking, too many phone calls etc etc. I went on their website, titled, and found these e-cards you can send to your lover who is has been succumbed to the evil world of digital dating. This one's my favorite:

Check out the rest of them here. Maybe even send one to a friend or lover.
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