Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Top 50 most influential video games
Anywaysss, the Guiness World Records has compiled a list of what was judged to be the Top 50 most influential video games of all timee. Here's the top ten.
2. Tetris
3. Grand Theft Auto
4. Super Mario World
5. Zelda Ocarina of Time
6. Halo
7. Resident Evil IV
8. Final Fantasy XII
9. Street Fighter II
10. GoldenEye
Do yal agree with it? I surely do not. I mean Mario Kart, yeaaaa. Tetris, of course! But Final Fantasy XII? C'mon now. XII?!?! More influential than VII? Isn't that what started the whole FF revolutionarypopularity? Cause I sho-ly do not recall ever hearing about FF1,2,3,4,5,6.
If you're interested in seeing the entire list, holla right heree!
Caffeine May Offer Some Skin Cancer Protection
THURSDAY, Feb. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Past studies have suggested that caffeine might offer some protection from skin cancer, and new research may explain why.
"We have found what we believe to be the mechanism by which caffeine is associated with decreased skin cancer," said lead researcher Dr. Paul Nghiem, an associate professor of dermatology at the University of Washington in Seattle.
For the study, Nghiem's team looked at caffeine's effect on human skin cells in a laboratory that had been exposed to ultraviolet radiation. They found that in cells damaged by UV rays, caffeine interrupted a protein called ATR-Chk1, causing the damaged cells to self-destruct.
"Caffeine has no effect on undamaged cells," Nghiem said.
ATR is essential to damaged cells that are growing rapidly, Nghiem said, and caffeine specifically targets damaged cells that can become cancerous. "Caffeine more than doubles the number of damaged cells that will die normally after a given dose of UV," he said.
"This is a biological mechanism that explains what we have been seeing for many years from the oral intake of caffeine," he added.
The findings were published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
But, Nghiem added, people shouldn't increase the amount of coffee or tea they drink to prevent skin cancer. "You are talking a lot of cups for a lot of years for a relatively small effect," he said. "But if you like it, it's another reason to drink it."
Nghiem has also been experimenting with applying caffeine directly to the skin. "It suppresses skin cancer development by as much as 72 percent in mice, and human studies are moving ahead slowly," he said.
It's possible that topical caffeine preparations might one day be used to help prevent skin cancer, Nghiem said. "Caffeine is both a sunscreen and it deletes damaged cells," he said. "It may well make sense to put it into a sunscreen preparation."
Dr. Robin Ashinoff, a dermatologist and clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University's Langone Medical Center, thinks these findings need to be verified before they can have any clinical application.
"This study tells me that caffeine may be a useful ingredient topically to remove ultraviolet-genetically damaged cells from reproducing," Ashinoff said. "This may help prevent the development of skin cancer."
"It is interesting that caffeine, which is thought to have a negative connotation, has already been shown to be associated with lower incidences of non-melanoma skin cancers in several epidemiological studies," she added.
Dr. Albert Lefkovits, a spokesman for the Skin Cancer Foundation and an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, doesn't think it's been proven that caffeine reduces the risk of skin cancer.
"While this is an interesting concept that has been explored before, it will take years of extensive testing to determine whether this will be a worthwhile prevention method," Lefkovits said.
"And, the study doesn't discuss how much caffeine would be needed for any real benefit," he said. "For instance, many people drink large amounts of caffeine on a daily basis and still get skin cancer. Protecting yourself from the sun is currently the only proven way to prevent skin cancer."
Diet coke, my relationship with you may yet continue!!!!!
Snuggie revolution
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Where did you get that dinosaur and unicorn couple Timmy?
Uhh.... Internet?
If you like it then you should've put a ring on it
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The new rules, which were released Feb. 13, could have disqualified many of the contestants more than 5 feet, 7 inches tall who participated in the open casting call at the mall. Eighty-two contestants competed to move on to the next phase of the modeling competition.
The rules for the upcoming show cycle stated that contestants must now be 5 feet 7 inches or shorter in height. This is a change from the previous 12 cycles of the show when contestants were supposed to be taller than this height.
Complete eligibility requirements here
7. You must be female and 18 to 27 years of age at the time of application.
8. You must be AT OR UNDER five feet and seven inches (5'7") in height, although Producers reserve the right to make case-by-case exceptions. Please note the change in this requirement from past cycles of the Series.
9. You must be a United States citizen and live in the United States. Producers reserve the right to make
exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
12. You must be in excellent physical and mental health.
13. You understand and agree that you may be required to pose and be photographed or videotaped while
clothed, partially clothed or naked.
Saturday, February 28th - 10:00am to 3:00pm
Eden Roc, A Renaissance Beach Resort and Spa
4525 Collins Avenue - Miami Beach, Florida 33140
The Casting Director will be in attendance.
*San Francisco
Tuesday, March 3rd - 10:00am to 3:00pm
The Westin San Francisco Market Street
50 Third Street
San Francisco, California 94103
The ANTM Casting Team will be in attendance.
South Bend, IN
Tuesday, March 3rd
4:00pm – 8:00pm
Martin's Supermarket
7355 Heritage Square Dr.
Granger, IN 46530
Pittsburgh, PA
Friday, March 6th
12:00pm to 6:00pm
Mall at Robinson
Exit 1 off Route 60 @ Route 22/30
*Washington D.C.
Saturday, March 7th
The Casting Director will be in attendance.
Norfolk, VA
Saturday, March 7th
12:00pm to 3:00pm
The Gallery at Military Circle
800 N. Military Hwy
Norfolk, VA 23502
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, March 7th
St. Louis College of Health Careers
1297 N Highway Drive
Fenton, MO 63026
Albany, NY
Sunday, March 8th
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Clifton Park Center
22 Clifton Country Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Denver, CO
Monday, March 9
5:00pm to 8:00pm
1082 Broadway
Denver, CO 80203
Shreveport, LA
Tuesday, March 10
10:00am to 7:00pm
The Strand Theatre
619 Louisiana Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71101
Harrisburg, PA
Wednesday, March 11
4:00pm to 8:00pm
The Coliseum Entertainment Megaplex
410 St. John's Church Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011
*New York
Saturday, March 14th
The Casting Director will be in attendance.
Saturday, March 21st
The Casting Director will be in attendance.
Wednesday, March 25
The ANTM Casting Team will be in attendance.
*Los Angeles
Saturday, March 28th
The Casting Director will be in attendance.
via ONTD
Mark Your Calendars, FEB 24=PANCAKE DAY
About National Pancake Day
February 24, 2009
Known also as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, National Pancake Day dates back several centuries to when the English prepped for fasting during Lent. Strict rules prohibited the eating of all dairy products during Lent, so pancakes were made to use up the supply of eggs, milk, butter and other dairy products…hence the name Pancake Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday.
Since beginning its National Pancake Day celebration in 2006, IHOP has raised nearly two million dollars to support charities in the communities in which it operates. With your help, we hope to raise $1,000,000 for Children’s Miracle Network in 2009!
So, jump on that. Get your parade on some and then go get some free pancakes!Saturday, February 21, 2009
Fever Ray
When I Grow Up from Fever Ray on Vimeo.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Mardi Grrrreeeeaaattt Hiatus!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Marriage of Figaro
See, even those with beginner guitar skills and video editing software can be musical geniuses.
Why are these the funniest things ever?
Ru Paul's singing career FTW.
Zombie Lit
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies features the original text of Jane Austen's beloved novel with all-new scenes of bone crunching zombie action.
"Meet Andy Warner, a recently deceased everyman and newly minted zombie. Resented by his parents, abandoned by his friends, and reviled by a society that no longer considers him human, Andy is having a bit of trouble adjusting to his new existence. But all that changes when he goes to an Undead Anonymous meeting and finds kindred souls in Rita, an impossibly sexy recent suicide with a taste for the formaldehyde in cosmetic products, and Jerry, a twenty-one-year-old car crash victim with an exposed brain and a penchant for Renaissance pornography. When the group meets a rogue zombie who teaches them the joys of human flesh, things start to get messy, and Andy embarks on a journey of self-discovery that will take him from his casket, to the SPCA, to a media-driven class-action lawsuit on behalf of the rights of zombies everywhere.
Darkly funny, surprisingly touching, and gory enough to satisfy even the most discerning reader, Breathers is a romantic zombie comedy (rom-zom-com, for short) that will leave you laughing, squirming, and clamoring for more."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fresh Fit
The title of this article in Sneaker Freaker was hilarious so I just had to share. It teaches the urb way to match your kicks and your clothes. And the graphics are hilarious.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Won't You Back That Azz Up
But seriously Juve will be performing at REPUBLIC NEW ORLEANS on MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 at 9:30 PM. It starts RIGHT AFTER ORPHEUS so you can walk right over after you get your bead on. And back that ass up to some JUVE BBY.
Regular Tickets: $20 at the door $15 advance
VIP: $40 at the door $30 advance and you get a meet and greet with JUVE BBY and access to the sweet lounge areas upstairs.
It's 18+ to party hardy. SO GO SEE JUVENILE and some other musicians.
Buy tickets here
Official Website
I would also like to take this time to point out some other upcoming events at Republic New Orleans:
On March 27 there's a guy named G-Eazy performing. He looks like he'll put on a really fun show...I'm intrigued. 18+, $5
"G-Eazy is a rapper, producer, performer, graphic designer and video editor. He was raised in Oakland, CA, but is currently based out of New Orleans, LA."
On May1 we have George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic (with hits such as Atomic Dog "Bow wow wow yippe yo yippe yay"). Sure to be an acid trip. 18+, $35
What I Learned from L4D by =Golden-Silver on deviantART
note: The dude just posted up a revamped one. I personally prefer the old one. GO CHECK IT HERE!
A Lesson on Self Defense
The Great American Past Time
Or for the less ambitious, classier drinker we have liquor bottle candles. Also totally DIY-able for the patient or people who know someone that can cut glass. I'm totes gonna try and get this for my place.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
This Is Why No One Uses Myspace
But then occasionally I get these inbox messages...
It's just WTF all around.
And creeper ass profiles like this are why people don't use Myspace anymore.
Chris Brown beat Ri Ri Down
This guy is my new fav video blogger. He's too fierce! Here he says what he thinks about the whole "Domestic Disturbia" situation.
"You might win round 1...if you catch me off guard BUT ROUND 2, belongs to B.Scott."
Leave to this jack ass to relate it to himself! SO SELF CENTERED I CAN'T STAND IT!
The Kluminator
"Turmoil has engulfed Fashion Week. A criminal mastermind has pointed a death ray at the tents. Only Heidi Klum and Coco Rocha can battle the forces of evil to save Fashion Week. Watch it here!"
RIP Juicy Campus
I don't want to have deep and thoughtful discussions on an ANONYMOUS board! That's what forums are for, then you can have credit for the deep and thoughtful things you say. I WANT JUICY GOSSIP ON THE ANONYMOUS BOARD. Get it together Juicy Campus!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
NEW Lil Mama
DNW!! DNW!! I can appreciate the gesture of a song about something you can't buy at Walgreens then put on your lips, but I like the Lip Gloss song A LOT more than this.
And hey, she used Fanny Pak in her video! Because she knows they should've won last season.
It's A Boy!
From M.I.A.'s Blog:
Going into labor right after her performance, why am I not surprised? I can't wait to see what kind of crazy clothes she'll dress her kid in.
I can't believe they actually made people wear that helmet thing at the store! SO SKETCH! I was actually so freaked out by it that I faked searching for something in my purse as I walked by it so it wouldn't approach me.
As for the makeup. Seems promising. If it's as vibrant as the makeup in the video then I definitely want to buy some. There are also lots of black Hello Kitty accessories you can buy too! And relatively cheap I might add.
I'm the next Da Vinci
This was filmed in 1904! Just imagine what beastly legs this guy has to have!
I love lamp.
Robert Jordan and Jackie Bange are news anchors for WGN. These are the dance routines they made up and perform during commerical breaks. Boss.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Singin dolla, dolla bill ya!
I'm sick of ANTM. Or AM I??
I'm a real GameBOY Geppetto!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Love That Princess Superstar
Offensive/Suggestive Content warning! (This video is similar to Easy Love by MSTRKRFT)
L I Licky C K Licky Y
F@)(&%)&#$#%d7348573DGH☮Ew@#&(92*@#% My Life
Today my BFF introduced me to what is probably going to be one of my new most favorite blogs everrrrrrr: Fuck My Life. It's my new Taylor Swift's Love Story. Love it love it love it. Here's a little taste of this yummy morsel:
Today, I took my friend to buy a pregancy test. She took it and it came out negative. I decided to re-pee on it to be turned to positive. FML
Today, I was tutoring kids at an elementary school. One kid messed up my hair. I said, "Why'd you do that??" He said, "I have lice, now you have lice too!" FML
So, if you're ever having a rough day, Fuck My Life is the remedy for you.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Only Missing a Double Wide
Mixtape: Happy Valentine's Day!
Dinosaur: Woo hoo! I tried to do all songs that had titles with "LOVE" in it, but some of the songs weren't valentinezy enough (aka Bob Marley's Is this Love) and there were just some songs that I HAD to include (aka Misty's song from Pokemon for all you sappy sap lovey hard core crushin on someone ppl). And you KNOW I had to throw in Taylor Swift's Love Story. I'm obsesseeeddd. For optimum enjoyment, combine this mixtape with lots and lots of valentines day candy :)
Is this boy being serious?
Also, I'd like to point out that in his Youtube profile he has listed his name as Sexman.
To all the loyal WOTS readers, remember back in the day over at Uber when I did a post about these delectables? MMM yeaaa. If you just love looking at gross matross mega concentrated fat foods This is why you're fat is the blog for you. This blog celebrates all the super gross food us American fatties love to eat. Yay fattys!! Here's a sneak peek of some of their material:
Breakfast burrito. Hold the phone, I think I need to puke now.
If your feeling extra "adventerous" you can make yourself a McPizza.
That's right, topped with 2 cheeseburgers, fries AND chicken nuggets. Talk about a death wish.
Hopefully this settles your stomachs. Pizza vending machine. Hellls yeaaa
So for all my fattys out thurrr This is why you're fat is perfect for you!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
America does Hole in the Wall
Remember this Japanese television sensation that was sweeping the internet via youtube videos?
Well, I couple of minutes ago, I was flipping through the tv, and apparently we now have a U.S. version of it on Fox! They even have the same silver lame costumes. I wonder how much we had to pay the Japanese for ripping off their idea. Do we REALLY need new game shows when our country is in this economic slum? C'mon na! Stop spending $$$ on this ridiculousness! Not gonna lie though, I want to be a contestant on the show.
Forget about Phelps and his bong
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hear Hear: Rhythm Dhol Bass (RDB)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Single Presidents
Oh My God. This guy is TOO FIERCE. I can only WISH WITH ALL MY HEART, that the real Barack Obama made a video like this.
Go check the blog entry. It's HILARE MATRARE! (that's a made up term me and my roomate use. It means hilarious. You know, if you didn't get it from the hilare portion of it. Context clues kids. Context clues.)
Cause we're living in a world of fools
Thursday, February 5, 2009
MIA does the Grammys
MIA cancels her performance because her baby's due date will fall on the day of the Grammys.
MIA changes her mind. Surprise! She's performing at the Grammys this Sundayy!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hear Hear: This sho ain't from Tha Carter III
Tips For an Exciting Lifestyle: Road Kill
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Well as I was typing Mardi Gras, i accidentally did the double letter on Gras = Mardi Grass. I thought it would just autocorrect me and send me to the right page, but OH NO NO NO, there is ACTUALLY an event called Mardi Grass. And it celebrates, you guessed it, Cannabis.
Interested in attending, book your plane ticket to New South Wales.
You know what really grinds my gears: BlackBerry Pearl
I'm down with the BlackBerrys. They're trendy, functional, good lookin phones, but the Pearl on the other hand, that's a different story. I feel like the Pearl is for people who want a BlackBerry, but can't afford the nicer aka real ones like the Curve. What's the point of getting the Pearl? It doesn't even look like a BB. It just looks like one of those Nokia phones, and the buttons on there are so tiny!! Were these phones developed especially for fetus' fingers? Pearl users think they're going to wow someone just because there's a little ensigma on the top of their phone screen that says "BlackBerry". Well guess what: YA NOT! I know you really wanted that BB Storm but didn't have the $$$. I don't care if you got those free shiz phones. Hell, I got one too! Just don't be bustin out that BB Pearl on me okay? And what the hell is this flip Pearl? I hope those BB Pearl flip phone users cellphones spontaneously explode in their pockets/purses and kill them because that is the ugliest shiz i've ever seen in my life. BlackBerry Pearl? Might as well rename it BlackBerry Poo.
Monday, February 2, 2009
CAT CAT CAT Cat Cat Cat cat cat cat
It's all the rage.
Movie Bonanza Saturday!
Location: AMC Movie Theatres
Event: Screenings of the 5 nominees for "Best Picture" in the Oscars
(This is the one movie I've already seen and it was absolutely AMAZING.)
UMMM. AMAZING DEAL? Considering the price of movie tickets are $10 now. And a large popcorn...what? $7. Drinks? $5. Regular price is WAYYYYYY OVER $30. I'm doing this FO' SHO'.
Click here for details/showtimes